About me

Above and below the surface

The final edit is already in the story, all I need to do is find it

One thing I’ve learned from my years working as a designer and typographer is this: Never get in the way of the story you are telling.

Now that I am a filmmaker I live and die by this insight.

I stay true to the story. I colour grade for the mood it conveys. I score the soundtrack to support the pace. I edit to allow the story to live and breath. (Needless to say gratuitous effects and showbraggery are not part of my filmmaking.)

I am Andreas Carlsson, a PADI certified filmmaker based in Linköping, Sweden. I bring my own gear (A/V, lighting and more) and travel to projects above and below the surface, in remote outdoor locations, near and far.

Clients of mine


Location Linköping, Sweden
Certifications PADI Open Water, certified drone pilot
Style Editorial and documentary filmmaking
Subjects People, food, outdoor and underwater


Instagram @nofont
Vimeo Nofont